Illustrated Book of Heroes Coming Soon!

Last year I worked with a local artist to develop ten drawings for Henley & The Book of Heroes. Since its arrival in 2009, the only way to see into Henley’s world was with your imagination. While this is wonderful, I thought some peeks into The Living Tale characters was long over due.

The artist, Kristi Love-Tsukada, knocked her assignments out of the park! Here are a few to wet your appetite for what is coming. Some people asked me why I didn’t create these images using AI. Call me old fashioned, but I believe the human touch and imagination are worth preserving. There is something special about seeing the artist’s hand strokes on her artwork. I use some AI images, but not here.

One of the dearest relationships throughout the series is the connection between Henley and his British, WWII veteran, grandpa Reggie. At the beginning of the book, Henley is hurting something fierce because his father is deployed in Iraq in the Army Special Forces. Grandpa is the glue that holds the family together while they’re missing dad and helping Henley ignite his heroes heart before Toolended destroys it.

“Remember that things are not as they appear, and you are much more than Robert and Julia Banks’s third son. You are a keeper, and you keep a seed in your heart that was planted to produce greatness. This seed gives you the ability to turn dreams of heroism into real victories, but there is only one who can awaken that seed.”

Another group of characters you’ll meet are Henley’s French tailor trolls. These clever fellows use light to create his armor. Or as they say, “‘We use only zee finest beams of light,’ continued the first as he smoothed his hands across Henley’s chest like armor.
‘Yes, light as a feathzer,’ finished the second.”

The characters of the Living Tale and I are excited to show you more of their world. Next, we will do the other books in the series too.

I expect this illustrated version to be available by the end of February and we will have a launch party in early March. Stay tuned for more details.

See you on the inside!

Dr. Jane, Author of the Living Tale Series

Families: The Birthplace of Greatness

I think this is a concept that we have lost because families have been the hardest hit in our culture.

Movies, books, and sitcoms all portray parents and their children as rushed, stressed, and lost in their everyday activities. Something as easy as walking to our cars is seen as chaotic. Schools encourage not one, but two sports a year and most churches enlist you in ever increasing activities. Whatever is left after our workdays is consumed on devices. Yes, we have lost the real purpose behind having a family, which is greatness.

When I say great, I do not necessarily, large, although that could be included. The part of the definition I am referring to is defined as, “distinguished by rank, office or power; elevated; eminent; magnanimous,” according to Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. God’s original intent for families was to not only raise children to create a family, and it certainly was not to birth “essential workers” as the socialist dogma suggests, but it was to raise boys and girls to be men and women of character, courage, intelligence, and love. The patriots rising to the top during our nation’s recent struggles demonstrate the great qualities that I am describing. And these qualities arose from their families.

I’ll be writing more on this topic in future posts, but wanted to reintroduce a pastime that helped families create tight bonds, enjoy their evenings, and grow their character all at the same time. I’m referring to family reading time. For hundreds of years, families would gather around their fireplaces to reflect on the day. Many times grandparents would retell the stories of their youth or their parents’ challenges of taming the wild. These times also included reading from the Bible where children heard stories of courage, challenge, and triumph. Other times, someone would pull out a good book and read stories that matched the values of their Christian faith.

This gathering to share a stories that uplift your family is one of the simplest ways you can begin to slow down. When you do that, you will begin to think about dreams and the values you neglected. You’ll begin to remember how important your children are to you. And most importantly, you’ll realize God is helping your family everyday.

If you want to take this first step to reclaim your family’s greatness, I recommend reading a chapter an evening from the first book in the Living Tale Series, Henley & the Book of Heroes. There are samples from the first chapters on the home page, and I posted the prologue in the bookstore “look inside” link to help you get started.

See you on the inside!

Dr. Jane, Author of the Living Tale Series

The Start of Something Wonderful

I am relaunching the Living Tale Series for such a time as this!

In 2019, I pulled all my books off the market to focus on helping my aging mother and focus on my family. Wow, little did I know what was coming in 2020.

Well, now that the dust has settled, I am rebooting my book writing and speaking to help families rebuild as our nation does also. Coming soon the first three books in the series in print, audio, and ebook will be available for purchase online. Then in 2025, the fourth book in the series as well as an illustrated Book of Heroes will be arriving for your reading adventures.

Stay tuned and excuse our dust as we rebuild.


Dr. Jane, author of the Living Tale Series